Martine Milton’s sci-fi satire ‘Welcome to Geordiestan’ is set in the North of England and the Scottish Borders.  It recounts the adventures of Tom Braddick a refugee journalist from South Britain in the breakaway state of Geordiestan, where he meets feisty members of the opposite sex and encounters a resurgent North’s new technology and science.  Embedded in the novel is the controversial play, ‘Skin,’ which releases previously unseen health data for the first time, raising serious questions about the destiny of the species.

Chapter headings: Wave Rider, The Secret of Holy Isle, Madame Gold, Skin, Catharsis, Fem Pride Day, Votes for Men, The Hazel Maze, Badlands, Survival, Jacobite, The Sands of Moridor, Cathar, Two Smart Lasses, Hexagon, Earthspan, Beyond Petroleum, Food of the Gods, Resurrection, Launch Day.

As part of the third wave, the novel poses utopian alternatives to our present day dystopian society.

(c) Zencity, 2018        ISBN: 978-1-5272-2499-5        UK: £8.99